Tuesday, May 1, 2012


You know you haven't posted in too long when blogger has completed changed format...a month ago... and you didn't even know...

And no, this is not post #33. This is 33 sakura (cherry blossoms) provided. This is Jeremiah 33:3 (and 6-11). This is a reminder of Our Abba who answers prayer, heals, forgives, restores, supplies, reconciles. Some of my favorite reminders of those attributes of God are little things: seeing "33" on a tough day, or realizing how deliberately God plans even the little details. For instance...
Last week I was reminded of a Church I hadn't contacted yet. I did a week mission trip with them in high school, and still remember what loving, hospitable people they were. So I left just one message, and a few days later they actually called me back! (Which in itself is kind of miraculous). And our short phone conversation was filled with joy- it was a "work" call I honestly did really, really enjoy. (Thank you, God). "Too bad they're so far away," I think, "it would've been fun to meet with them in 'real life' instead of phone and email".

That Sunday I heard from a friend who is going right through that Church's town for a weekend trip soon. What are the chances of that? And moreso, what are the chances she would even remember this random church was on her way, and what made her think to mention it to me? But she did. Too good of a "coincidence" to pass up, I emailed the Church and asked if they would possibly be interested in meeting with me...in 1 week. (Churches, if they agree, usually ask me to come MONTHS later, but it can't hurt to ask: especially since I'd have a traveling buddy). But what are the chances it would actually work out? Besides, I'm working on Friday- I'd feel bad canceling on such short notice.

And you guessed it: they invited me to come meet, not just with their committee, but to present the ministry in Japan to their whole group, and talk with the committee afterwards.

Oh, but back up to Monday afternoon, just hours before the church invited me to come: I hear I have work off on Friday.

I don't know if this church will decide to partner with me. I'm praying they do, but if they don't it will be ok. Because God will supply: He has a plan, better than I could ever orchestrate.

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