Friday, January 8, 2016



These pictures are from a fantastic children's book given to me by a good friend in Japan. It depicts a year of important traditions, manners, and holidays starting with 3 of the most important: hospitality, cleaning, and New Year's! While we do celebrate the new year in the US as well, in Japan there are different traditions, food, and religious roots. Even on a seemingly "international" holiday like this, in a different cultural context everything is new! I admit in some situations new is stressful, can leave you feeling a little overloaded or even helpless; but many times newness is fascinating, calls back the joyful inquisitiveness of childhood, or brings to light a difference that makes me reaffirm what I believe (E.g. is this an American, Japanese, human, or Christian thing?). There is so much to learn from "new"!
All of which to say... whether 2016 is looking excitingly (or overwhelmingly) new, or like more of the everyday routine, may you be filled with joy and hope at the newness of each day. And most of all, may looking to Christ fill you with wonder as His steadfast love and mercy is new every morning!  

Happy New Year!