Saturday, January 31, 2015

Meditation on Incineration. I mean...

Itinerating. Type it in...wait for it... "did you mean 'incinerating'?" Thank you, spell-check.

OK, this support-raising journey isn't that bad, but on its rough days the comparison does give me a little chuckle.

And in all seriousness, it brings to mind passages throughout the Bible that refer to God growing, maturing, refining us like silver or gold: through fire. Painful imagery, right?

And I thought of this idea again as I was walking through the woods today and saw many of these. 
Whimsically twisty trees like this one were my favorite when playing in these woods as a little kid. Vines had grown up them, squeeeeezing the poor little trees as they tried to grow. But in time the vines fall away leaving the trees as strong as ever and, in my humble opinion, much more interesting and beautiful, like little works of art.

I can't wait to be back in Japan, learning and growing, loving and serving. But for now? I take a deep breath, go for a stroll, and praise God for the beautiful quirkiness of trees that have persevered through the uncomfortable times. And look back and forward and all around with thankfulness for the many times of rest and encouragement, for friends old and new, and for getting to be a part of the body of Christ in both the US and in Japan, in all of our quirky beauty.

And those whimsically twisty trees? They're still my favorite.