Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day in the Park

I just went to check out this museum (full of art/artifacts), but heard music coming from the grassy area right outside, went to check it out, and at first was pretty weirded out that the fairly large group- at least 100- was only men. Then I realized I recognized some of the words - 十字(cross)、えいえん (eternal)...and quickly gathered this was no ordinary concert in the park. These men were worshipping together; a ministry to the homeless; a church. Not at all what I expected to stumble across today!

A couple more snapshots from the park. Between seeing the church, the art in the museum (lots of Shinto/Buddhist roots), and strolling through several nearby shrines, my mind stayed busy meditating on: beauty, contrast, water, purity, high places, worship, light, prayer...