Friday, February 10, 2012

Belgium (meanwhile in Tokyo...)

I have officially completed my training! Which means I now know, even better than before, that I know very little : ) But seriously, we received a lot of great teaching and experience, but the learning is just beginning (and will, I hope, never end). A lot of our days were spent in the classroom learning about church-planting, language acquisition, evangelism, culture-shock, cultural differences...

...then we put on as many coats as possible and walked/train-ed/bus-ed into the city (even the Belgians said it was really cold last week!)

I had the privilege of worshiping with and getting to know some beautiful and brilliant people at St.Andrew's church...

and a summary of the month, no matter how brief, would not be complete without a shout-out to my little friend, Hannah, and a group shot of the whole crew! They really were a fantastic group of people: love 'em!

Meanwhile, this is a little bit of what's been going on in Japan (article on a 2 day learning experience, "Gospel in the City", of about 30 leaders in Tokyo: super exciting!) I cannot wait to join Grace City Church, and if you follow this link you can even see pictures of the event (aka, some of my future leaders/coworkers/pastors). Could you take just a few minutes to flip through some of the pictures and join me in praying for God's blessing, strength, and wisdom over these men?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late in reading this; exciting!? I wish I had a more eloquent response, but, i've got nada. I'm just so excited. and yes. phil and I will be praying for you and for the brethren already in Japan. we're both just so excited for the work of our Lord in His people throughout the land! (now that had a bit of an epic ;)
