Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

The chapel scheduled for last Friday was canceled because of snow (sad), but highlights of the week include...

-Making tempura with the family (Honea style: it was a team effort involving a fondue pot, a bit of mess, a bit of guess work, laughter, and lots of very tasty food!)

-Reading William Axling's "Japan on the Upward Trail", an interesting read on the history of Christians in Japan from the arrival of Jesuits in the early 16th Century. (from the perspective of a missionary who had been there 20+ years, and copyright 1923- what a different world it was then!)

-Meeting with 3 adult Sunday School classes at 1st Pres, Danville to share about Tokyo, ministry, and my calling there (a joy to reconnect with members of the church where I grew up: they are always full of encouragement!)

-Oh, and of course, because there was snow, I couldn't resist reliving my childhood: my two younger siblings and I dragged out old plastic sleds and spent a morning blazing icy trails behind the house :)
("Don't worry, Mom, we'll bail out before we hit the trees!")

-and last but certainly not least: Christmas with the Family! We celebrate whenever the most of us can gather together (only 7 of us this year), and that was this morning. So by the Honea Calendar, Merry Christmas!

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